Tax Reporting

Simple Uk Micro Entity Annual Tax Return
Hi, It is super simple project. Please check the attaches screenshot. I have QuickBooks setup. You just need to check my Balance Sheet on QuickBooks and help me match the fields from QuickBooks Balance Sheet to the attached sheet. Max Bid: $10 It should not take more than 5 - 10 minutes.
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Jasa Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan Dan Perpajakan
1. Jasa Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan (Bulanan & Tahunan) a. Laporan Neraca (Balance Sheet) b. Laporan Laba/Rugi (Income Statement) c. Laporan Perubahan Modal (Equity Statement) 2. Jasa Pemenuhan Kewajiban Perpajakan (Bulanan & Tahunan) a. SPT Masa (Bulanan) : – SPT Masa PPN (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai) – SPT Masa PPh Pasal 4 ayat (2) - Final – SPT Masa PPh Pasal 21/26 – SPT Masa PPh Pasal 22 – SPT Masa PPh Pasal 23/26 b. SPT Tahunan : – SPT Tahunan PPh…
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Bitcoin Tax Report
I'm looking for someone that can help me create a tax report for my crypto, from 2017 until now. I've linked my platforms up with Koinly, and there is about 500 transactions - but Koinly seems like a mess and i don't know if this amount is true or not. I've used both Coinbase, Binance and Bitfinex for my crypto investments and trades. The tax report has to apply by danish tax law - and has to be done by…
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Previous Year Tax Returns Filling For C-corp
Looking for someone who can prepare and file previous years (2020) returns/ Form 1120 for USA encorporated company that is a C-Corp. No trasaction in last year so shouldn't take long for filing. Please include whether you are a CPA and eligible as well to prepare C-Corps tax returns (not a pre-requisite for this). We might need Bookkeeper as well to maintain very basic accounts in QBO or Wave for this year. There is only one bank account, 4-5 monthly…
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Help Me Get My Corona Funds From Usa Government
I'm American and my parents, my brother are American too. We would like someone with a knowledge to help us get our Cares Act funds.
Full Description of Help me get my Corona funds from USA…
R&d Technical Report Writer
CIRD Solutions are a dynamic, established, and fast-growing consultancy company that specialises in accounting services, payroll, and R&D Tax Credits. We provide specialist services to UK businesses, and we offer our services to clients operating in a wide range of industries such as Engineering, Software, Manufacturing, Science, Technology, Food, Agriculture, and many others. What we are looking for: - Corporate tax specialists - Ex HMRC Tax Specialist - Technical Report Writers We are looking for a technical report writer who…
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Hire A Tax Consultant For Freelancer
Hello, I am beginning a freelance business for makeup and hair services within the Dallas area. I am looking to hire a tax consultant to help educate me and manage my finances to keep things in order.
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Excel/data Expert Needed/probably Vba Or Mysql (not Sure)
For a reporting requirement we need someone who modifies our basic raw data based on third party requirements by creating an automated script which our accountant could use externally. Current situation: We receive usage data (.csv Format) in a way that there is one row per item even if the item is identical. e.g. Item 1 viewed 100 times = 100 rows. We need a converter that generates one row with x amount of views instead (again as .csv)
Full Description of Excel/Data Expert needed/probably VBA or MySQL (not sure)
Need Help W/us Federal Bus Tax Filing (due Wedn)
This work is for tomorrow through Wedn. I have a large # of Qs around our Fed Bus tax filings (1120). We'll use skype screensharing calls for discussion. Calls can be 1-1.5 hr long. May need 4 calls. I'm on EST and can start as early as 7 am.
Full Description of Need help w/US Federal bus tax filing (due…
Jasa Penyebaran Kuesioner
Saya sedang melakukan penelitian tentang Insentif Pajak UMKM yang diberikan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Kriteria responden adalah: 1. Memiliki NPWP 2. Menerapkan PPh Final 0,5% 3. Pekerjaan wiraswasta atau pelaku UMKM 4. Berdomisili di DKI Jakarta Penyebaran kuesioner akan dilakukan dengan google form. Dibutuhkan responden 150-200
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