Steam API

Create A Rust Gambling Website.
Hello, we are looking for someone who is capable of making a Rust gambling site with steam integrations. Such as sending items to steam bots to deposit on the site automatically. -JACKPOT We are looking to have a jackpot feature in which players deposit their skins into a pot against others players and depending on the price of their skin have a certain percentage chance to win the pot. Pictures below will feature examples of this from a site called…
Full Description of Create a Rust gambling website.
Steamworks: Steam Rich Presence With A Variable
I have a game in Unity where I have a Steam rich presence working but I would like to include a variable into the rich presence. Example of what I have now: At the base relaxing What I would like in the rich presence: At the base with 4 guns.
Full Description of SteamWorks: Steam Rich Presence With A Variable
Get Skin Textures From Csgo With Wear And Pattern.
Need a way to get any skin in any condition based on float and pattern/paintseed. The only thing I need is the generated texture. It should be reachable via a api of some sort and should be optimized for being hosted somewhere. Thinking this could be done with some reenginering or something with the source sdk. has this feature, where you can get the texture based of the uuid of the item, example: where the uuid is "4V57r9S"…
Full Description of Get skin textures from CSGO with wear and…
Build Me A Tf2 Item Coinflip Jackpot Site
I'm in need of someone who will create me a small tf2 item betting site with two main components - the coinflip and jackpot mini game. This site would involve players signing in via Steam (using steam api) then allow them to deposit their in-game skins worth an amount of $$$ equal to that generally accepted price for the item(IE a Mann Co Key is 2.49, but an Unusual with a specific particle effect has a community driven price). This…
Full Description of Build me a tf2 item Coinflip jackpot site
Steam Rich Presence In Unity (steamworks)
I would like the rich presence in SteamWorks to output: Total Levels: XXX where XXX is the variable in the script. Variable is a double, doubleTotalBusinessesOwned The C# unity script uses SteamWorks. Steam has a token file that is uploaded to the website. Please only apply if you know SteamWorks and have looked into rich presence.
Full Description of Steam Rich Presence in Unity (SteamWorks)
Creation Du Backend D'un Jeu Video
Bonjour, Je suis a la recherche de quelqu'un pouvant créer toute la structure backend d'un jeu vidéo mis en ligne sur 3 plateforme (Steam / Android / IOS) Le backend du jeu vidéo comprend : - L'authentification au différentes platform avec la récupération de l'ID - La connexion au server (que je possède déjà) - La création automatique d'un compte si nouvelle utilisateur sur ce server (avec ensuite sauvegarde et chargement de données) - La mise en place de l'IAP…
Full Description of Creation du backend d'un jeu video
Steam Game [ Halo: The Master Chief Collection ]
getting an error when tried to buy a game from steam Game Name: Halo: The Master Chief Collection Game Link: NOTE: BID ONLY IF YOU CAN
Full Description of Steam Game [ Halo: The Master Chief Collection…
Make A Dashboard Hashtag Tracking Tools For Twitter Api
The project has to be build with JavaScript to track hashtage (extract tweet,top tweet,number of like, number of retweet) to dashboard like hootsuite Customized date to search from to show the results the exact time of the tweets in the dashboard
Full Description of Make a Dashboard Hashtag Tracking Tools for Twitter…
Csgo Skin Trade/sell/buy Utility App
I would like to create a series of utilities that help me buy/sell/trade on a series of websites, those being Steam Market, Buff ( and Bitskins ( This is the BUY ORDER UTILITY Some have API access built in for example I also have API access to a few sites below you can use if needed for some of the requirements - : - : Here are the features I am after: 1) BUY ORDER…
Full Description of CSGO Skin Trade/Sell/Buy Utility App
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