White Paper

Jate Solutions Cgh
JATE solutions es un proyecto de responsabilidad social que busca facilitar y promover el reciclaje a través de máquinas recolectoras. Somos una red inteligente de captación de botellas plásticas y latas que a través de máquinas recolectoras conectada a una aplicación móvil, permitirá a los ciudadanos reciclar sus envases y canjearlos por criptomonedas, productos o servicios ¿CÓMO FUNCIONA? Las máquinas CGH recicladoras funcionan como una máquina expendedora a la inversa, es decir, tú depositas tu basura y nosotros te compensamos…
Full Description of JATE SOLUTIONS CGH
Converter Leads
Busco pessoas dispostas a converter leads para faculdade EAD. Não é preciso formação específica, apesar ser bom de papo. Serão repassadas informações para ajudar na conversão. Será pago R$50,00 por matrícula.
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I Am Looking For An Experienced White Paper Writer Of Our Token -- 2
I am looking for a talented writer who can finish white paper about our token in a short time. We don't have much time. So I want to finish this job in 1 or 2 days. Please contact me if you have experiences in this area. Please share me your previous work. No bot, agency. Please add "I am a white paper writer" in your bid
Full Description of I am looking for an experienced white paper…
Writing White Paper For My Token
I'd like an expert to write a clear white paper to a cryptocurrency my friend is coming up with. I'll give a brief description of how the white paper should cover. The freelancer should be able write a wonderful and convincing white paper with proper steps followed. Only professionals entertained!
I Am Looking For An Experienced White Paper Writer Of Our Token -- 3
I am looking for a talented writer who can finish white paper about our token in a short time. We don't have much time. So I want to finish this job in 1 or 2 days. Please contact me if you have experiences in this area. Please share me your previous work. No bot, agency. Please add "I am a white paper writer" in your bid
Full Description of I am looking for an experienced white paper…
Creating A Erc-20 / Bep Token
Hello guys , we need someone to consult us and create a cryptocurrency token for our product and users . We are accepting quality offers from people familiiar with the matter and who have done it before . Please don't approach with offers with big timelines or crazy offers
Full Description of Creating A ERC-20 / BEP Token
Whitepaper For Our Project
Hello freelancers , we need someone to write a beautiful and unique whitepaper for our project . The candidate must examine the whole project , gather needed information and create a whitepaper .
Full Description of Whitepaper for our project
Website Copywriter & Content Research
I am a web dev freelancer with 10 years experience. I am building a marketing website for a web app I'm currently developing in the Blockchain industry. I hope to turn these products into a successful startup as I build the right team by bringing on the very best in your industry at the most affordable rate. Project is funded however there still profit sharing opportunities for you if you are interested in joining at anytime as a share holder…
Full Description of Website copywriter & content research
2 Website Copywriter & Content Research
I am a web dev freelancer with 10 years experience. I am building a marketing website for a web app I'm currently developing in the Blockchain industry. I hope to turn these products into a successful startup as I build the right team by bringing on the very best in your industry at the most affordable rate. Project is funded however there still profit sharing opportunities for you if you are interested in joining at anytime as a share holder…
Full Description of 2 Website copywriter & content research
Technical Writing
Need to write technical document about design similar to white paper. Need expertise in writing such.
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Ico Whitepaper Required
My tesla token is a BEP-20 smartchain contract. We are currently in the ICO stage. We Started with a token price of £0.00001. Every Billion tokens sold 10% is added to the ICO price. We are running 50 stages, we are currently on 3/50. Tokens can be bought with card or crypto payments. All funds get converted to BNB coin. Once we have hit stage 25/50 we will be giving away a free tesla car, anyone who has invested is…
Whitepaper Editor Required
Our game designers have made the whitepaper, we are looking for someone who can edit our whitepaper and add the fluency and make it appealing for the readers. You should also know some basic photo editing and skills required to make the whitepaper attractive. The game is based on medieval era theme, hence we expect that you must have knowledge of this. Also send me your track record for same.
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Listicle Sobre Tendencias En Decoración Para Cuartos De Bebé
Bebés: Tendencias en decoración 2022 Inspiración/referencia: https://www.housebeautiful.com/lifestyle/kids-pets/g2332/unique-nursery-decorating-ideas/ CERO PLAGIO de este u otro artículo similar. No tolero el plagio. Buscar fuentes propias y crear un artículo original. Público: papás, mamás que tienen bebés. Abuelas de recién nacidos o niños por nacer. Lenguage sencillo, amigable, fresco. Nada de lenguaje artificial y oraciones excesivamente largas. Potenciales fuentes: Minibambini:https://www.instagram.com/minibambinicol/?hl=en Vinilart: https://www.instagram.com/vinilart_colombia/ Decowawa (camacunas): https://www.instagram.com/decowawa/ Upa: https://www.instagram.com/upainteriores/ *Buscar otras. No tienen que ser exactamente esas. Obligatorio: Usar fotos y citar la fuente/diseñador. SOLO referente…
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Listicle Sobre Tendencias En Decoración Para Cuartos De Bebé -- 2
DEMUÉSTRAME QUE ENTIENDES EL PROYECTO RESPONDIENDO EN ESPAÑOL Bebés: Tendencias en decoración 2022 Inspiración/referencia: https://www.housebeautiful.com/lifestyle/kids-pets/g2332/unique-nursery-decorating-ideas/ CERO PLAGIO de este u otro artículo similar. No tolero el plagio. Buscar fuentes propias y crear un artículo original. Público: papás, mamás que tienen bebés. Abuelas de recién nacidos o niños por nacer. Lenguage sencillo, amigable, fresco. Nada de lenguaje artificial y oraciones excesivamente largas. Potenciales fuentes: Minibambini:https://www.instagram.com/minibambinicol/?hl=en Vinilart: https://www.instagram.com/vinilart_colombia/ Decowawa (camacunas): https://www.instagram.com/decowawa/ Upa: https://www.instagram.com/upainteriores/ *Buscar otras. No tienen que ser exactamente esas. Obligatorio:…
Full Description of Listicle sobre tendencias en decoración para cuartos de…
Whitepaper For A Crypto Game
Our game designers have made the whitepaper, we are looking for someone who can edit our whitepaper and add fluency to it and make it appealing for the readers. You should also know some basic photo editing and skills required to make the whitepaper attractive. The game is based on a medieval era theme, hence we expect that you must have knowledge of this and you must be a creative writer. You bring us value and we will give you…
Full Description of Whitepaper for a crypto game
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