Employment Tax

Separate Transactions For Tax Purposes
I am trying to do a schedule c for taxes and it is to time consuming... We are about 3 years behind and would like to catch up... We have about 200 transactions a month to sort out and i'd like to outsource this work... Please give us your best price we are ready to do this asap. Attached is a sample.
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Taxes Amendment -- For Mortgage Pre-approval Process
Hello - I was recently rejected for a mortgage pre-approval by a bank loan officer. I am an independent contractor and earn over $60,000 per year, but I also started my own company which had many out-of-pocket expenses, which are reflected in my tax returns for the past two years. I suppose now I should say that I earned more money and not report my out-of-pocket expenses just to get pre-approval?? I don't know and I'm very confused and concerned.…
Full Description of TAXES amendment -- for mortgage pre-approval process
Looking For A Us Consultant
I am going to start business in US and to setup bank and merchant on company i am looking for a US consultant who can assist in this setup project.
Full Description of Looking for a US consultant
Need A Us Representative To Setup Business
I am going to start new business in US and to setup bank and merchant it asking for US presence so i am looking for same.
Full Description of Need a US representative to setup business
Reverse Payroll Return For 2020 Q1
This is for California business client. The client is a partnership but filed W2 payroll incorrectly for a partner for payment in Q1 2020. Need to reverse such payroll filing with IRS and CA EDD. Please comment if available to work on ASAP and how many hours are expected needed to complete such project.
Full Description of reverse payroll return for 2020 Q1
Capital Gains And Gift From Parent Cat
hello, a)i need to sort stock tax for four years (stocks received from work and sold sporadically) b)i need to sort capital gains tax from crypto trades year 2021. reported via csv file or koinly website c)received monetary gift from my parents in 2021 i am german living in ireland since 2016
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Declaración De Impuestos Eeuu
Buenas tardes, necesito una persona que me ayude en tema de asesoría de impuestos y realizar declaraciones en el IRS.
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