
Comic Artist
Good morning, I have a script ready to be drawn (it's five pages) and I am looking to work with someone long term on the future 5 page issues. Somethings we are looking for are: - Great Communication - Good English - Great work ethic (Meeting deadlines) - Skilled Just to name a few. The art styles that I am looking for can be found at the links below: (Primary) (Primary) The genre of this story…
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Short Story
I am looking for a writer to help me develop a comic book/manga series I am creating
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Manhwa Or Manga Artist Needed For A Personal Project
The project will be about 10-15 pages with a cover, and you need to embody myself and my partner in that style. Please send me your portfolio as well as price per page and I will give you additional details. The set budget can be increased if needed.
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Creación De Un Cómic Estilo Manga
Buscamos dibujante para el desarrollo del primer tomo de nuestro comic de fantasía. El dibujo será estilo manga, con la diferencia de que éste será a color, a ser posible con un coloreado tipo acuarela. El proyecto es muy ambicioso y con grandes planes de futuro, por lo que se requiere que el dibujante sea formal y de fiar, pues anteriormente despedimos a un dibujante por falta de seriedad, abandonando el proyecto a medias. Si tiene un estilo de dibujo…
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Manhwa Or Manga Artist Needed For A Personal Project -- 2
The project will be about 10-15 pages with a cover, and you need to embody myself and my partner in that style. Please send me your portfolio as well as price per page and I will give you additional details.
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I Need A Manga Artist
I have an idea for a story that I feel would be best told through the form of a manga comic. It is a darker story set in a time where magic has long been wielded by the current guild; The Govellan, that handles the security of the nation, and has strong political control through their roles as "advisors". The nation is currently reeling from a terrible affliction that gives rise to a new form of magic in its victims,…
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Livre Pour Enfants
Bonjour Je souhaite créer un petit livre d'environ 25 pages sur le theme de la spiritualité Sur chaque page j 'aurai besoin d'un dessin d'un personnage. Je souhaite un Monstre Mignon qui pourrait illustrer un message. Cordialement
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Ilustrador Profesional Y Formador Para Grabar Un Curso Sobre Cómo Ser Ilustrador Freelancer De Manga
Eres experto/a en ilustración manga y quieres generar ingresos recurrentes con tu conocimiento? ¿Te apasiona la formación online? Hola, somos una agencia de marketing digital y creamos productos digitales. Estamos buscando un formador/a para grabar un curso online cómo ser ilustrador freelancer de Manga. El proyecto consiste en coproducir juntos un curso online: - El formador se encargará de grabar el curso y atender las preguntas de los alumnos, si surgen, y nosotros realizaremos la edición y paquetización final. Crearemos…
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Formador Para Grabar Un Curso Sobre Dibujo Manga
¿Eres experto/a en escritura de Dibujo Manga y quieres generar ingresos recurrentes con tu conocimiento? ¿Te apasiona la formación online? Hola, somos una agencia de marketing digital y creamos productos digitales. Estamos buscando un formador/a para grabar un curso online sobre Dibujo Manga. El curso tendrá una duración aproximada de 3 ó 4 horas. El acuerdo de trabajo será de coproducción: - El profesor se encargará de grabar el curso y atender las preguntas de los alumnos, si surgen, y…
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Necesito Dibujante De Manga (a Color) Para Juego Otome
Estoy desarrolando un juego otome para android y necesitaria alguien que me dibujara 4 personajes y algunas escenas, aproximadamente 10. El dibujo debe de ser estilo manga (o similar) y necesito que sean a color, ya tengo los personajes diseñados solo necesitaria alguien que los dibuje mejor (ya que yo no se lo suficiente).
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Webcomic Artsit Needed For Long-term Project
Hello, My name is Aariella but my author name is Aalias! I'm looking for a webcomic illustrator to help bring my story idea to fruition! My story is planned for 25 chapters as of right now and I'm planning on having a chapter released every other week on a digital platform ex. Webtoon or VoyceMe. This project will be long-term ; about a year. A little about myself, I am 18 years old and love worldbuilding and creating. I recently…
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Comic / Manga Illustrations For A Table Top Rpg!
Promethium Books desperately needs a large number of interior illustrations for our upcoming anime /Manga themed table top game. We need illustrations for classes, backgrounds, action scenes, and various miscellaneous scenes. We're looking for a style similar to webtoons and online manhwa, cell shade characters and action scenes. This includes around 20 characters and 30 miscellaneous illustrations. This project has a tight deadline, and we're looking to begin as soon as possible.
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Art Of War Manga
Hi there, to be simple, looking for a longterm manga Artist. Please only respond if you have interest in longterm and if experienced with manga style. Please have experience with backgrounds as that part is important. The manga title is Art of War and already has license offer. Paid per page is okay. I'll leave cover illustration made for the story already. Upbeat adventure. Modern city vibes. Parks, Buildings, Campus style school. Intangibles of a city such as pier boardwalk,…
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Manga And Cg Set Typesetter Tutor
I need someone who can tutor me in typesetting manga / CG sets. Main focus will be on typesetting and cleaning. While typesetting and cleaning could be considered a general skill, preference will be given to those who can do typesetting and cleaning for manga and color CG sets. Also, knowing how to do SFX is a must, but no redrawing is required. Also, the style of the class is very hands-on, and I want to do the process of…
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