Blender Python Coding Using Open Street Map (OSM) Data

€ 750.00 — 1,500.00 EUR
This project will use Open Street Map (OSM) Data to generate cities in Blender.

Applicants should be advanced python scripters and familiar with Blender.
The work will entail importing OSM data from specific coordinates and using that data to: 1) extruding buildings masses, 2) import terrain, 3) make road & sidewalk geometry, 4) generate building roofs (according to the OSM type or type given by enumeration), 5) import and apply top view images as textures.

The end result is that from a given set of coordinates a user can click a button in blender and a city will appear with terrain, buildings, roads & textures.

To ensure applicants are qualified for this job, we will only consider applicants who successfully complete the below test:

Create a small script in Blender that imports OSM data for the following coordinates: 40.709, -74.01 (NYC) and extrudes the buildings according to their OSM heights.
Reference outcome of this qualifications task attached.

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